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In a 1962 thriller, The Manchurian Candidate: the hero returns to the American Empire as a combat hero, but turns out to have been deeply hypnotized by the Eastern camp and becomes a spy under the control of the East. In the film, the hero is manipulated by playing cards through hypnosis, and whenever he sees the Q of diamonds, he is instructed to become a weapon of political fear and to do assassination missions.

Hypnosis: a special sleep-like but non-sleep-like state of consciousness induced by artificial inductions (e.g. relaxation, monotonous stimulation, focused attention, imagination, etc.).

So hypnosis and mind control are related in that both control the consciousness of the person in some way and make them follow in their footsteps.

Hypnosis often employs this dizzying repetition of graphics, so use this graphic to express control

Adding brains and remote controls to the picture They represent human consciousness and control

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